Open essay competition to mark World
Topic: The theme for the competition is “Beat Plastic Pollution”. Contributions are invited on this theme, various interpretations of this topic will be accepted.
Competition Dates Launch of Essay Writing Competition- 24th May 2018
Deadline to Submit the Essays- 5th June 2018
Announcement of Winners- 15th June 2017.
Eligibility: Open to all.
Language: English
Guidelines for Submissions
Submissions must be solely the work of the person submitting the essay: co-authorship will not be accepted.
Essay should be 1300-1500 words excluding footnotes.
Essay should be submitted to by 5th June, 2018 by 5 pm. Entries received after the deadline will not be considered.
Essay should contain a cover page with the following details-
(a) Name of the Participant.
(b) Title of the Essay
(c) Contact Number.
(d) E-mail Id.
The top three best essays will be published on the Tibet Nature website and in Contact Magazine
The winners will receive cash prizes-
1st Prize- 7, 000 INR.
2nd Prize- 5, 000 INR.
3rdPrize- 3, 000 INR.

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