
H.H talks on Environment

An Ethical Approach to Environmental Protection

Peace and survival of life on earth as we know it are threatened by human activities which lack a commitment to humanitarian values. Destruction of nature and nature resources results from ignorance, greed and lack…

Address at Rio

I am extremely happy and feel great honor to be with you here. My basic belief is that the purpose of our life is happiness, and happiness depends on its own basis. I believe the…

Caring for the Earth

I am pleased to know the World Conservation Union is launching a world- wide campaign on the theme of Caring for the Earth on 21″ October 1991.The earth is not only the common heritage of…

Thinking Globally

Scientific predictions of environmental change are difficult for ordinary human beings to comprehend fully. We hear about hot temperatures and rising sea levels, increasing cancer rates, vast population growth, depletion of resources, and extinction of…

Spirituality and Nature

I think you came here with some expectation, bur essentially I’ve nothing to offer you. Simply, I’ll try to share some of my own experiences and my views. You see, taking care of the planet…

A Green Environment

In the past, the major need of people in this world was arable land. Man did not have to think about animate things. However, now the adverse effects on forests through over-population and the development…

Clean Enviroment

Tibet should not be used for the production of nuclear weapons and the dumping of nuclear waste. Tibetans have a great respect for all forms of life. This inherent feeling is enhanced by our Buddhist…

Tree Planting and its Protection

I have remarked on several occasions about the importance of tree planting both in India, our current home, and in Tibet as well. Today, as a symbolic gesture we are having a tree planting ceremony…

Universal Responsibility

As a boy studying Buddhism, I was taught the importance of a caring attitude toward the environment. Our practice of nonviolence applies not just to human beings but to all sentient beings – any living…

Ecology and the Human Heart

According to Buddhist teaching, there is a very close interdependence between the natural environment and the sentient beings living in it. Some of my friends have told me that basic human nature is somewhat violent,…