
Xinjiang ban on glacier tourism ignores the bigger problem

The Xinjiang government has banned glacier tourism under the far north-western province’s five year plan to try and save its fast disappearing ice caps. Home to China’s largest glaciers, the far north-western Xinjiang province has seen its glaciers recede sharply in recent years. ….

China plans more dams and mega infrastructure in Tibet

China’s just-released 13th Five Year Plan — which sets out the country’s economic and social blueprint — promises to be the greenest yet. It articulates the leadership’s aim to shift the vast economy away from fossil fuels and heavy industry and towards renewable energy and green growth. ….

100 million Chinese on the Roof of the World

By Claude Arpie, published in The Daily Pioneer on 25 February 2016

Tourism in China not only brings revenue to the regional Government, but also helps to ‘stabilise the plateau’. Unfortunately in India, the Nehruvian approach is still prevalent. ….

Requiem for a river

The Economist

GUO, the driver, pulls his car to a merciful halt high above a crevasse: time for a cigarette, and after seven hours of shuddering along narrow, twisting roads, time for his passengers to check that their fillings remain in place. ….

Trouble in Tibet

Jane Qiu

In the northern reaches of the Tibetan Plateau, dozens of yaks graze on grasslands that look like a threadbare carpet. The pasture has been munched down to bare soil in places, and deep cracks run across the snow-dusted landscape. ….