
Third Pole

100 million Chinese on the Roof of the World

By Claude Arpie, published in The Daily Pioneer on 25 February 2016 Tourism in China not only brings revenue to the regional Government, but also helps to ‘stabilise the plateau’. Unfortunately in India, the Nehruvian…

Requiem for a river

The Economist GUO, the driver, pulls his car to a merciful halt high above a crevasse: time for a cigarette, and after seven hours of shuddering along narrow, twisting roads, time for his passengers to…

China drives water cooperation with Mekong countries

China is more closely involved in cross-border cooperation on hydropower and water management after the six countries that share the Mekong River signed a landmark agreement late last year.

Trouble in Tibet

Jane Qiu In the northern reaches of the Tibetan Plateau, dozens of yaks graze on grasslands that look like a threadbare carpet. The pasture has been munched down to bare soil in places, and deep…

Tibet Faces Grim Scenario with Glaciers on Retreat

BY K.J.M. VARMA ON 18/11/2015 Beijing: Tibet is facing a grim scenario as its glaciers, the source of key rivers like Brahmaputra, are retreating and natural disasters are on the rise due to climate change,…