

China publicly ‘admits’ to tiger skin trading

A China delegate at a CITES meeting last week admitted that China does not ban the trade of skins from captive tigers, the first time that China has officially acknowledged the allegedly clandestine trade. The…

Tibetan Women Attacked, Beaten at Anti-Mine Rally

Police in China’s southwestern Yunnan province on Monday attacked and beat a group of Tibetan women who had gathered to protest copper mining on land considered sacred by residents living near the site, sources said.

Lha Environmental Survey Report 2014

McLeod Ganj is a suburb of Dharamsala in the Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh. It is home to the Tibetan government-in-exile and His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and as such it attracts a great…

Catastrophic Flood Hit at Mangra Area of Amdo Region

At 7th July 2014, around midnight 10:30 pm massive flood hit the Gordo and Telnag village of Mangra District, Amdo region of Eastern Tibet and resulted in destruction of farms and roads.

The Turning Point: New Hope for the Climate

In the struggle to solve the climate crisis, a powerful, largely unnoticed shift is taking place. The forward journey for human civilization will be difficult and dangerous, but it is now clear that we will…

Japan, India near carbon offset deal

TOKYO: Japan plans to agree a carbon offset deal with India, Japanese media reported, citing unnamed government sources, potentially making the south Asian country the largest economy yet to sign up to cut greenhouse gas…

Northern Hemisphere Cracks 400 ppm CO₂

Brian Clark Howard National Geographic Publish May 27, 2014 Carbon dioxide levels exceeded 400 ppm across the Northern Hemisphere for the entire month of April, a significant climate-change milestone.

Billboard sucks in pollution and turns it into purified air

Billboards often line busy roads and highways where there’s lots of traffic– and, by association, lots of air pollution. But what if those billboards could be transformed into giant air purifiers, scrubbing the air and…